Conversions of LEGO set 75003 into other spaceships

First conversion:

I was browsing a Toys R Us store one day in 2014 and was inspired to purchase a LEGO set as a treat for myself.

My last LEGO-building days were in my mid-teens, so I guess you can call it a wave of nostalgia.

I ended up purchasing LEGO set 75003. An A-wing starfighter from Star Wars. I built it, and then a few days later, I was inspired to build a different spaceship using the same set. The dual forward prongs of this A-Wing reminded me of a style of starfighter called a "Vic Viper", from the Gradius videogame franchise. I used to own a fork of the Gradius franchise called "Life Force" (aka "Salamander") for the NES when I was a child and the game featured the Vic Viper spaceship as the protagonist so call this nostalgia again.

Nowadays "Vic Viper" is a style of LEGO build popular amongst AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO) when building a LEGO spaceship/starfighter.

The Vic Viper style must follow these simple guidelines:

This LINK has an illustration that pretty much says it all.

Anyway, here is the original Star Wars A-wing build, followed by the Vic Viper conversion (Click on each picture for a full-size version):

Here are the rest of the pictures of the Vic Viper conversion of LEGO set 75003 (Click on each picture for a full-size version):

Second conversion

Two days later I converted the same set of parts into another spaceship (Click on each picture for a full-size version):