Eagle 5 from Spaceballs

For those who do not know, Spaceballs is a movie parody of the Star Wars franchise in the 80s.

One of the iconic vehicles in the film is the Eagle 5, essentially a Winnebago RV with wings and lightspeed jets.

At the time (2015) I had barely enough white and brown LEGO parts to create what you see below, but I enjoyed the challenge.

(Click on each picture for a full-size version):

This Eagle 5 is now part of a collection of iconic space vehicles from different film and videogame franchises that I am building, and those vehicles from these franchises will be all joined together by being parked at the parking lot (more like "landing pads") of a "space fast-food restaurant" that is a familiar sight for a computer game franchise spanning multiple sequels (hint: Sierra).

Some of these will be MOCs featured on this site; others will be copies of some builds I found on the web and I will not post those copies here (because I do not want any accidental assumptions that those are my own MOCs) except for an appearance in an additional MOC page featuring the restaurant itself (and its parking lot / landing area) whenever I am done building said restaurant. So much more will be revealed on that particular page whenever it is featured on this website whenever I get to it. :-)