Escape Pods

In 2021, my nephews and I were toying with the idea of creating a giant spaceship out of LEGO.

I chose to work on the escape pods. I really wanted to build something as small as possible to fit a single minifigure, and some transparent cocoon pieces from Galaxy Squad sets were finally put to use. Two slightly different builds, to indicate the same underlying alien tech shared by different humanoid members of a galactic federation of sorts with each alien race's own touches to the design of their respective pods while still following a Federation standard. You could say that the gray one is used by humans and the black one by the original humanoid alien race who came up with the technology used in the pod's systems. The pod is used to abandon a ship, activate its distress beacon, find the nearest habitable planet (or space station) (with preference to Federation member planets/stations), with short faster-than-light travel capacity, and has shielding and avionics for atmospheric entry and autonomous flight/landing for spacefaring Federation personnel with little to no training.

Other than the escape pods, a frame was built for the spaceship and part of a bridge and 1-2 rooms and that was it. Everything was eventually dismantled for parts, but the escape pods remained. Here are some pictures.

(Click on each picture for a full-size version):