Container transport spaceship


A friend of mine game me her son's LEGO bricks because she knew that I fell in love with LEGO again, was cleaning up the house and her son has not been playing with LEGO for years anyway. He had entered what is called in LEGO terms as "the dark ages" (a time in life when things other than LEGO are more important now such as dating, owning a car, employment, new hobby, university, etc). Been there; done that (my dark ages lasted 20 years).

In that collection of bricks there were about half the parts of LEGO set 4792. I played around with those parts and decided to build some kind of towing/salvage spaceship by adding two engine nacelles. I then built containers from parts that were not used otherwise and made the ship into a container ship.

(Click on each picture for a full-size version):

2020 update: Container/Tanks branding and detail

I added some branding and detail to the containers to make them look like liquid tanks.

(Click on each picture for a full-size version):