Extend the useful life of your Duplo bricks

Did you know that the bigger Duplo bricks (made by LEGO for younger kids) are somewhat compatible with LEGO?

For example, you can stack a 2x2 LEGO brick on top of one of the hollow studs of a Duplo brick.

This tip may seem obvious to any Adult Fan Of LEGO (AFOL), but not so for non-AFOLs adults. For example, I had to tell this to multiple members of my extended family because they did not know and already donated their Duplo bricks the moment all their kids were old enough to play with LEGO without it being a choking hazard.

To be clear, I am not telling parents to stop donating bricks (it's nice to have more kids getting introduced to Duplo, and eventually LEGO); I just wanted to mention that the Duplo-LEGO compatibility can open up some possibilities to extend the usefulness of Duplo bricks. One example for a big build could be the use of Duplo bricks as a filler/base for a weight-bearing hill or wall made out of bricks (as opposed to making the build a hollow one). Simply put LEGO on top so that you do not see the Duplo filler underneath.

Here is another great example of Duplo use as filler from a well-known YouTuber (Half-Asleep Chris) building his cat Bella out of LEGO (check Half-Asleep Chris' YouTube channel out if you like cats and LEGO):

Duplo can also be fun (and therapeutic) for adults with a little bit of inspiration and time to waste.