Elora Cataract Trailway

The Elora Cataract Trailway is a 47-kilometre rail trail (stone dust, relatively flat; used to be a railway) Starting at Elora, Ontario (somewhat close to the Elora Gorge Conservation Area) and ending at the Forks of the Credit provincial park.

For more information, please visit the following:
Parking Lot locations

Here are the different sections for you and your family to try out, so doing this trail may require more than one visit to complete if you go with your family:

Section 1: Elora to Fergus (VERY short section - suggestions below on how to make it longer)

Section Last ridden: Summer 2020 ***(only the Elora to Cataract part - Tresle Bridge Trail portion needs verification***)

Recommendation for his portion is to either:
- Start at Fergus (Beatty Line parking lot) and make your way to Elora
- Park at the Gerrie Rd parking lot in Elora and make your way to Fergus.

Either way, it is a very short (~3km) ride, so it's not worth it unless you have very small children and you want to stay close to your car. You have two options to make it worth it:
- OPTION 1: If you have a mountain bike, you can actually do a loop which includes both the Elora to Fergus stetch of the Elora Cataract Trailway combined with the Tresle Bridge Trail (it's also close to the Elora Gorge Conservation Area). See this MAP.
- OPTION 2: You can go East through the streets of Fergus, following the street signs until you reach Forfar Park (bathrooms) and your connection to the rest of the Elora to Cataract Trailway, to The Shand Dam near Belwood Lake Conservation Area. Make your way back to your parking lot. The city streets part may not be for everyone but it gives you an opportunity to see some of the town of Fergus. See this MAP.

Section 2: Fergus to Belwood (the town; not the Conservation Area)

Section Last ridden: Summer 2021


Start at Forfar Park in Fergus and go East on the trail. You'll go through The Shand Dam (part of Belwood Lake Conservation Area) and continue until you hit the town of Belwood. You'll know you have arrived at Belwood when you see this snowmobile trail kiosk (the Elora Cataract Trailway is used for snowmobiles in the winter). There is a little free library on the trail less than 100 meters East from the snowmobile map kiosk.

Section 3: Belwood to Hillsburgh

Section Last ridden: Summer 2020

If it rained the day before, there may still be some mud in spots for this stretch of trail. Recommendation is to start in Hillsburg and go West to the town of Belwood. You'll know you have arrived at Belwood when you see this snowmobile trail kiosk (the Elora Cataract Trailway is used for snowmobiles in the winter). There is a little free library on the trail less than 100 meters East from the snowmobile map kiosk.

Section 4: Hillsburgh to Cataract

Section Last ridden: Summer 2018

Recommendation is to start in Hillsburg and go East, through Erin and all the way to The Forks of the Credit provincial park.