Kelso Conservation Area (Beginner Mountain Bike Loop)


I took my nephews to Kelso Conservation Area when I taught them mountain biking for the first time using a "beginner loop" I made up from the new Green (Easy) and Blue (Medium) difficulty trails during the park's 2015-2020 improvements.

I made this 9KM loop fast and flowy, avoiding any big downhill sections (and the uphills to get back up), and with only a handful of sections that can be easily walked out. This beginner loop I did can even be ridden backwards if you get bored.

Here is the trail order for Uncle Erik's Beginner Loop (please refer to the map):

BONUS CONTENT: Intermediate "race" loop for Kelso

To take you out of your comfort zone once you get tired of the beginner loop (and once you have learned mountain bike techniques such as riding position, cornering, feathering the brakes, and switching your weight around on your bike correctly), here is an INTERMEDIATE course inspired by the Weekly Race Series on Tuesday Nights at Kelso. This course's start will differ from that event's ever-changing course iterations because we parked at the Summit entrance instead of the Main entrance.

NOTE: This loop is best done when there aren't many people around (ex: first thing in the morning), because one of the trails will be done in a somewhat reverse direction, and one descent will be done slower than supposed to until your skill levels increase.

WARNING: There is a massive uphill climb (but it's the most intermediate-friendly climb at Kelso because you will not likely meet anyone going in the opposite direction on this climb to hinder your progress, and you will also not suffer the slippery gravel of "Ascension (Lower)"). There are also two rocky stretches (one is a climb) to watch out for, where you will need to not apply too much pedalling pressure in order not to slip your back wheel. You can walk those out if you do not feel comfortable.

Here is the trail order (please refer to the map):