CloudEndure: Windows 2003/2008 Disk detection workaround

After an update of the CloudEndure agent some time after April 2021, an issue started surfacing for Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 machines (Windows 2012 is not affected) where not all disks are detected by the CloudEndure agent. You will notice that during the installation, the output of the CloudEndure agent installation is missing one drive, usually any drive other than C:.
For those operating systems (Windows 2003 and Windows 2008; that includes R2), do not install the agent with the regular command-line presented to you by the CloudEndure console (which may cause the above-mentioned symptoms). Please use this updated procedure instead to obtain the DeviceIDs and force the detection of the storage volumes:

  1. Make sure that the CloudEndure agent is NOT already installed. You will not see it in Add/Remove Programs, but you will see some services labeled "CloudEndure" in the Services console if it's been installed.

  2. Run the following command in an elevated Command Prompt:
    wmic diskdrive list brief

    The output of this command will look something like this:
    Caption                              DeviceID           Model                                Partitions Size
    VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device 2          42944186880
    VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1 VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device 1          10733990400

  3. From the output of this command, confirm that the drives you see are the drives you want (look at size and if they are 0, 1, etc.)

  4. Get the DeviceID of the drives you want, and create a string separated by commas. In the above example, both drives are desired, so the IDs will be strung as

  5. Get the token ID of your CloudEndure project and use this updated CloudEndure agent install string format as part of this install:
    installer_win.exe --no-prompt --force-volumes -t insert tokenID here --drives="insert comma-separated DeviceIDs here"
    Example: installer_win.exe --no-prompt --force-volumes -t 1702-6750-7CEC-64E8-BEED-3FC1-8566-F4CF-9493-E258-6246-FD88-387A-86CA-F856-EA33 --drives="\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0,\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1"

  6. Confirm that the correct number of drives are detected during the agent installation. Please note that they will not be listed as C:, D: anymore but as their DeviceIDs during the agent installation and inside the CloudEndure console's machine properties' Source tab.