IT-related topics

Any IT-related topics will be available on this page.

ForensiT Transwiz: "Cannot add transfer manifest" error

Windows; User Profile Transfer Wizard (Transwiz)


While using ForensiT's free Transwiz solution to move an entire user profile between computers (by saving onto a USB thumb drive) the User Profile Transfer Wizard stalls with a "Cannot add transfer manifest" error.

AWS: MGN: Some replication resources not being tagged

Cloud; AWS; Application Migration Service (MGN)


Known issue (as of January 2022) where some replication resources are not tagged with the tags that you provided when creating the Default Replication Settings in MGN.

AWS: CloudEndure: Windows 2003/2008 Disk detection workaround

Cloud; AWS; CloudEndure


CloudEndure agent workaround to force disk detection on Windows 2003 and 2008 operating systems.

AWS: CloudEndure: Failed Creating a replica for instance (Timeout)

Cloud; AWS; CloudEndure


Failed creating a replica for instance __: Timeout: waited for __s on <function <lambda> at 0x__>, with validation <function <lambda> at 0x__>

AWS: Certification Exam Cram Notes

Cloud; AWS; Certification


Here are my exam cram notes for the AWS Certificed Cloud Practitioner, AWS SysOps Associate, and AWS Architect Associate exams.

VHS to DVD/MP4 (H.264) conversion

Video Editing; Archiving; VHS; DVD; MP4


How I converted my VHS tapes (procedure could also apply to other sources such as Betamax) to DVDs and/or MP4 (H.264) video.